The paper cans set new standards for sustainable, plastic-free packaging. We prove that it doesn't take aluminum or plastics to find sustainable solutions in the packaging segment.
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0.36Shipped from
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Without print#;With print#
150Sustainability Score
- 2
Material Color NOT USED
WhiteMaterial Properties
Recyclable, Biodegradable And Industrially Compostable PaperboardMade From Recycled Fibres
Packaging use
- Product
Number of size variants
7Product category
- Product and gift boxes
- Mailer boxes
- Envelopes and pouches
- Retail bags
- Fillers and cushioning
- Jars, tubes and liquid containers
- Shipping boxes
- Sleeves
- Mailer bags
- Paper tubes
- Textile bags and pouches
- Silk paper and protective wrapping
- Tape and strapping
- Labels and stickers
- Other
Min. Order Quantity
25Suitable for
- Accessories
- Clothing / Textiles
- Cosmetics and hygiene
- Dry food and supplements
- Electronics and gadgets
- Home interior / decoration
- Jewelry
- Liquids
- Office supplies
- Sports equipment
- Toys
- Other non-fragile items
To be used for
- Textiles
- Retail Products
- Other
Size (product page)
150 x 66 mmMaterial
- Recycled paper
Material color
- White
Sustainability Labels
- Traceable Responsible Origin
- High Renewable Content
- High Recycled Content
- Recyclable
- Ethical Working Conditions
- Industrially Compostable
- Biodegradable in Nature
- Betubed
Group size variants
- Grouped view
- Ungrouped view
Minimum order quantity
150 x 66 mm
SKU / Product ID
The leaf index is the tool you can use to compare sustainable products. All Circulate’s partners are sustainability pioneers, but this tool will help you spot best practice
Product Labels
Here a quick overview of the product’s environmental characteristics. The more labels, more sustainable properties!
Read about product labelsMaterial Properties
Recyclable, Biodegradable And Industrially Compostable Paperboard Made From Recycled Fibres
Material color
Material type
Recycled paper
Payment Methods
Shipping Details
Shipping fees
Free shipping
on first online order
Shipped from
Shipped to
All EU countries